I have no idea....
But apparently I did. Anyhow, let's send out a grand welcome to Alexey over at Wizards Mutants Laser Pistols. According to the website, the first print run of Issue #1 is almost sold out. I've jumped in line and ordered myself a copy and I'll be sure and throw out a review once I get it in the mail.
But I wanted you to all have the heads up. Jump on over and check it out for yourselves.
And don't say I didn't warn you the 'zines were coming!
I really enjoyed WMLP. Alex's intro does an incredible job of illustrating why these things are so delicious in print. There's just no way that his homage to rummage sale book finds would read the same way in a digital format.
Waiting on this issue myself. And ordered the first issue of Delve also.
Did you ever get your copy of WMLP?
Yes, I did get this. I had forgotten that I hadn't reviewed it yet.
Doggone it, the memory is going.
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